Hi Lovelies,

We are all aware of seasonal changes where spring turns into summer, summer into fall and then comes winter. But what about life? We never really think deep about seasonal changes in our own lives. How seasons of happiness, sadness, perfect health, injuries etc come and go in our life. We focus too much on the current that we don’t realize that change is happening just like the weather. What is hurting right now will disappear just like the snow on the ground. This epiphany happened as I recently did a few shoots for the blog. My style now mmm including my hair is drastically different than what it used to be prior to my injuries. Things that I wear now, weren’t staples in my wardrobe and somehow all of this has helped me grow into a new person who is more versatile and ready to gear up for whatever life change comes my way. We are feeling great? sure lets put some heels on – ah life threw me lemons, you know what? cure it with some sneakers and stretchy loose fitted garments and you still look cute and put together. And it is also fun being different people everyday. Keep everyone guessing who you are going to be next. I mean, didn’t all of us growing up wanted to be superheros? or dress like our fave barbie doll or had spirit animals? I guess life became too serious at some point and we lost all of that. But let’s take our lemons and re-emerge with some fancy lemony cocktail and tell life “Thank you for these but I still got it!”

Anyway today’s post is a prime example of my chameleon style for fall. I actually never owned a bomber jacket before. I would always pull out a fitted cardigan, fitted blazer or nice jacket for Fall but this Bomber felt like second skin. We were just going to go out and the weather was sort of dreary and chilly. I wanted to feel comfy but also warm – so out came these skinny jeans, a basic black top and the highlight of the outfit – my fave bomber! I love the zip detailing on the back, which is a functional zip so you can unzip it and restyle it with some edge. Ofcourse my Adidas NMDs are basically glued to my feet when I know I need to wear comfort shoes. Among the 4 pairs I now own – the blacks are on constant rotation. This outfit definitely brought out a different me – The Tomboy that I used to be growing up as my only sibling was my older brother. We loved playing rough and flying toy airplanes. And lil me begging him to let me play cricket or soccer with his friends. He wasn’t too excited for his little sister to tag along everywhere with him. But I tried my best 🙂

Until next time my loves! Mwah 🙂













Shoes: Adidas NMD

Bomber: Zara

Top: H&M

Skinny Jeans: Pacsun

Watch: Apple

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